The landscape of work is undergoing radical transformations as AI starts dominating both creative fields and physical tasks. Insights from AI influencer Sam Altman, alongside breakthroughs by Figure and OpenAI, paint a future where up to 95% of marketing tasks are automated by AI, and robots like Figure 01 collaborate seamlessly with humans in various sectors.

Figure 01 can now engage in full conversations, recognize and interact with objects, and execute complex tasks with an understanding of its actions, all while collaborating seamlessly with humans:

Key Takeaways:

  • AI’s Creative Surge: AI is poised to take over the majority of tasks in marketing and creative industries, challenging traditional roles and revolutionizing how content and strategies are developed.
  • Rise of AGI: The anticipated arrival of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) within the next five years marks a pivotal moment in AI development, with the potential to perform tasks across multiple domains autonomously.
  • Immediate Impacts: The use of AI in customer service, as seen with Klarna’s AI assistant, showcases the current capabilities of AI in improving operational efficiency and accuracy, setting the stage for broader applications.
  • Human-Robot Collaboration: The advancements in robotics, highlighted by Figure 01’s ability to perform complex tasks and engage in conversations, demonstrate the evolving partnership between humans and intelligent machines in the workplace.
  • Future Workforce Dynamics: The integration of AI in creative and physical tasks necessitates a reevaluation of workforce strategies, highlighting the importance of adaptability and lifelong learning in an AI-centric future.


Sam Altman Says AI Will Handle “95%” of Marketing Work Done by Agencies and Creatives