Google has recently made a significant improvement to its NotebookLM AI, introducing an innovative feature called ‘Audio Overviews’. This Generative AI-assisted notetaking tool now offers its users the potential to have verbal discussions about relevant data, thereby aiding both learning and understanding.

Since a video says more than a thousand words, see the impressive 3-minute demo:

Take aways:

  • Audio Overviews and its Functionality: The new feature, known as ‘Audio Overviews’, allows users to have verbal interactions about focused subjects and contents. This tool may be extremely useful for academicians, students, scholars, and businesspeople, offering a broader, deeper, and improved understanding of specific topics. NotebookLM initiated the system, generating an overview that leads to a detailed conversation between the two speakers, voicing both sides in real-time.
  • Real-time Application: An in-depth example of this feature can be seen when Google’s Josh Woodward made a verbal request of generating a basketball example for his son ‘Jimmy’, NotebookLM was quick to generate two presenters who discussed how basketball is connected to the physics lesson.
  • NotebookLM and Google Gemini: The audio overview feature is an extension to NotebookLM, and Google Gemini. These platforms can be highly beneficial for delivering personalized learning sessions for students. In this setting, Teachers can outline a specific complexity, path, and level for a given topic. Then, NotebookLM can ‘teach’ the students with examples and instructions. The audio overviews will carry the conversation forward with the two AI-generated speakers.
