Peter Hinssen, an innovation entrepreneur, shares insights on how AI is transforming our communication and work quality. As AI tools like ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Copilot become more integrated into our daily tasks, they help to eliminate errors and improve clarity.

It won’t be long before our trusty AI co-pilot cautiously asks “Say, do you really want to send this mediocre mail?”

Peter Hinssen

This shift promises an end to poorly written emails and miscommunication, raising the baseline quality of our work to a new standard.

Key Takeaways:

  • AI in Communication: Tools like ChatGPT and Copilot assist in drafting clearer, error-free emails and documents.
  • Quality Standardization: AI’s influence is leading to more standardized work quality, reducing the incidence of poorly written content.
  • Persistence of Brilliance: Despite an increase in mediocre content, exceptional creativity and originality will continue to exist but may become harder to distinguish.
  • Impact on Education and Business: The academic and business worlds need to adapt to AI’s pervasive role in content creation and evaluation.


De Tijd

Editors note

It’s hard to overestimate the importance of this article/insight: “AI has the capacity to bring human communication to the next level,” so let us briefly elaborate on this topic.

Human communication is inherently primitive and susceptible to numerous noise factors, making miscommunication almost inevitable. As Plato once said, “Ignorance is the source of all evil.” In this context, ignorance can be likened to noise.

The image below depicts the human communication process very rudimentary:

Touching on the key elements of this process, with their noise factors:

  • Encoding: Various encoding mechanisms play a role, including language, education, upbringing, culture, current mood, gender, brain fog (e.g., from alcohol consumption 🙂), and moments of brain freeze.
  • Communication Media: The channel used for communication significantly affects the message. Some examples are:
    • WhatsApp/SMS: Brief and often lacking context
    • Email: More formal and detailed
    • Phone calls: Rich in tone and context
    • Smoke signals, carrier pigeons … 🙂
  • Decoding: The state of the receiver/decoder reflects the encoding mechanisms of the sender, impacting how the message is interpreted.


It is safe to conclude that integrating AI in communication is not just a luxury but a necessity. AI tools enhance clarity and quality, reducing miscommunication and fostering better understanding, which is crucial for a peaceful and functional future society.