Edward Snowden, a renowned whistleblower, has sounded the alarm about OpenAI’s recent developments, warning against trusting the company and its products.

He raises concerns surrounding OpenAI’s appointment of a former NSA head to its board and the potential implications for user privacy.


  • Nakasone’s Appointment: The appointment of retired US Army General and former head of the NSA, Paul Nakasone, to OpenAI’s board of directors raises concerns about the company’s commitment to user privacy. Snowden believes this move will lead to a “wilful, calculated betrayal of the rights of every person on Earth.”
  • AI and Surveillance: The integration of AI technology into various devices and platforms raises unease about the potential for mass surveillance. Snowden’s warning highlights the need for users to be vigilant about protecting their privacy in the face of rapidly advancing AI capabilities.
  • Elon Musk’s Concerns: Musk has also expressed worries about OpenAI’s potential privacy issues. He has suggested that if the company integrates its AI technology into Apple devices, he would ban all Apple products from his companies due to concerns about user data snooping.
  • User Data Protection: Snowden warning emphasizes the importance of protecting user data in the face of rapidly advancing AI capabilities. Users must be aware of the potential risks and take steps to safeguard their privacy.
  • Transparency and Accountability: The appointment of a former NSA head to OpenAI’s board raises questions about the company’s commitment to transparency and accountability. Users have the right to know how their data is being used and protected.
  • The Future of AI: Snowden warning highlights the need for a nuanced discussion about the future of AI. While AI has the potential to revolutionize various industries, it is crucial to prioritize user privacy and protect against potential abuses.
  • User Action: Users must take action to protect their privacy in the face of rapidly advancing AI capabilities. This includes being aware of the potential risks, using privacy-enhancing tools, and demanding transparency and accountability from companies like OpenAI.
  • Rise of Open Source AI: With Snowden’s warning and the privacy concerns surrounding OpenAI, there is a growing interest in other AI options, including local/open-source language models. These alternatives offer more control and transparency, appealing to users and organizations wary of potential data misuse.

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