The guide provides 6 strategies for getting better results. It also gives examples, links and resources for further learning and experimentation with GPT models.

For those in a hurry, the six GPT strategies are:

  1. Write clear instructions: Provide details, examples, delimiters, steps and desired length for the model output.
  2. Provide reference text: Give the model relevant information or citations to avoid fabrications or errors.
  3. Split complex tasks into simpler subtasks: Decompose a task into a workflow of simpler tasks with specific instructions for each stage.
  4. Give GPT time to “think”: Ask the model to reason from first principles, work out its own solution, or use inner monologue before answering a question.
  5. Use external tools: Use embeddings, code execution, or APIs to augment the model’s capabilities or accuracy.
  6. Test changes systematically: Use evaluation procedures, gold-standard answers, or model-based evals to measure and optimize the model’s performance.

GPT best practices – OpenAI API