OpenAI has unveiled GPT-4o Mini, a streamlined and cost-effective version of their GPT-4o model. This new release aims to provide high-quality performance at a lower cost, making advanced AI capabilities accessible to a broader audience. GPT-4o Mini is designed to compete with other economical models like Google’s Gemini 1.5 Flash, Anthropic’s Claude 3 Haiku, and various local language models (LLMs).

Benchmarks of GPT-4o mini versus other models:

Key Takeaways:

  • Affordability: GPT-4o Mini is priced at 15 cents per million input tokens and 60 cents per million output tokens, making it cheaper than many competitors.
  • Replacing GPT-3.5: GPT-4o is positioned as a replacement for GPT-3.5, being approximately 60% cheaper, which highlights OpenAI’s strategy to offer a more affordable and advanced option for users.
  • Performance: The model features low latency and excels in various benchmarks, supporting multimodal inputs including text, images, and soon, video and audio.
  • Capacity: It offers a large context window of 128,000 tokens and an output capacity of 16,000 tokens. This means it can handle complex tasks and long conversations without losing context, which is particularly useful for extended content creation and customer service interactions.
  • Safety Features: New safety measures are in place to resist prompt injections and system prompt extractions.
  • Language Support: Enhanced tokenizer improves multilingual support and reduces token costs.
  • Relevance for Everyone: For everyday users, this means more affordable and efficient AI for tasks like translation, content creation, and customer support.


GPT-4o mini: advancing cost-efficient intelligence