OpenAI has introduced a structured five-level roadmap to track the progress towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

This framework outlines the stages of AI development, marking significant milestones on the path to creating AI systems with capabilities that surpass human intelligence.

The Five Levels of AI Development

  1. Chatbots (Level 1): These are the current AI systems capable of engaging in conversational language with users. This includes models like ChatGPT, which interact with users in a human-like manner.
  2. Reasoners (Level 2): OpenAI is on the verge of reaching this level, where AI systems can solve complex problems akin to a human with a PhD. This level signifies a substantial advancement in AI capabilities, enabling systems to perform sophisticated tasks independently.
  3. Agents (Level 3): At this stage, AI systems can act autonomously on behalf of users over extended periods, managing tasks without constant supervision.
  4. Innovators (Level 4): AI systems at this level possess the creativity and ingenuity to develop groundbreaking ideas and solutions, driving innovation across various fields.
  5. Organizational Equivalents (Level 5): The pinnacle of AI development, where systems can function as entire organizations, demonstrating strategic thinking, operational efficiency, and adaptability to manage complex systems.

A Cautious Approach to AGI

While the roadmap promises significant advancements, OpenAI plans to adopt a cautious and responsible approach to deploying these systems. They aim to ensure safe implementation, with initial access possibly limited to specific industries or research organizations.

This strategy reflects OpenAI’s commitment to balancing rapid technological progress with ethical considerations and societal impact.


OpenAI: planning for agi