OpenAI’s Spinoff Anthropic has unveiled Claude 3, comprising Claude 3 Haiku, Claude 3 Sonnet, and Claude 3 Opus.

As reported by Forbes, founders Dario (previously the Vice President of Research at OpenAI) and Daniela Amodei emphasized Claude 3’s superiority over rival models like OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Google’s Gemini 1.0 Ultra across various benchmarks. Available now, Opus and Sonnet redefine capabilities in AI applications, with Haiku soon to follow.


  • Unmatched Intelligence: Claude 3 Opus would lead the industry, surpassing OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Google’s Gemini 1.0 Ultra in intelligence benchmarks, positioning Anthropic at the forefront of AI technology.
  • Enterprise-First Approach: Anthropic’s strategy focuses on enterprise applications, thereby reported to deliver cutting-edge performance for complex data analysis and research, distinguishing itself from consumer-centric competitors.
  • Speed and Efficiency: Sonnet offers enhanced speed at a lower cost, ideal for a broad range of business applications, from data retrieval to sales forecasting and code generation.
  • Accessibility and Affordability: Haiku will provide rapid response capabilities at a fraction of the cost, suitable for customer interactions and content moderation, emphasizing efficiency without compromising quality.
  • Extended Token Limits: With support for up to 200,000 tokens, and 1 million tokens for specific Opus applications, Claude 3 models accommodate extensive data processing needs, surpassing many competitors’ limits.
  • Safety and Balance: Improved handling of complex prompts and reduction in incorrect refusals reflect Anthropic’s commitment to safety without sacrificing model responsiveness or accuracy.




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