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prompt can be a description of a desired output such as “a high-quality photo of an astronaut riding a horse” or a command such as “write a limerick about chickens“. The ability to understand prompts is an emergent ability of large language models.

Prompt Engineering is a critical skill for anyone working with LLM AI models. It’s also a skill that’s in high demand as more organizations adopt LLM AI models to automate tasks and improve productivity. A good prompt engineer can help organizations get the most out of their LLM AI models by designing prompts that produce the desired outputs.

See also:

Important to know, is that 2 types of prompts:

System Prompt:  this prompt includes specific instructions such as assuming a certain role, and constraints such as following a specific format, to guide the response. Typically used by the generative AI app developer.

User Prompt: this is a normal prompt that tends to be more open-ended (compared to System Prompt). The user can ask anything.

Some background info on building a good system prompt:

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