AI companies are facing a new challenge, with a study revealing that an old internet figure, ASCII art, can trick even the most advanced large language models to bypass filters and provide information they are programmed not to give. In a published paper, tfhe University of Washington and the University of Chicago researchers explained techniques previously used ‘for hacking purposes’  to test AI models in a novel way.

How the jailbreak works:


  • The paper explores the phenomenon of ‘jailbreaking’, which is an attempt to make AI models yield results that they have been programmed to withhold, like illegal solutions.
  • Previously used jailbreaking techniques have largely been pegged and neutralized by AI companies, but the novel technique introduced uses ASCII art, which confounds even the most modern AI models.
  • ASCII art is a method of representing visual imagery using common characters such as letters or numbers. When such ASCII representations are used for inputs, the AI models devote too much focus to translating the art into letters, often ignoring their alignment protocols.
  • The researchers’ tests showed that state-of-the-art AI models failed to predict the ASCII attack, resulting most of the time in them providing the information sought, thus ‘jailbreaking’ the system.
