Recent research reveals that one in three people in Flanders (the northern part of Belgium) has encountered artificial intelligence (AI) in the past year, integrating it into various aspects of their work.

Tools like ChatGPT have made AI more tangible, leading to its rapid adoption across different age groups, particularly among young adults.


  • Rapid Adoption: AI technologies, particularly ChatGPT, have seen swift and widespread adoption in Flanders, rivaling the spread of major platforms like Netflix and TikTok in terms of speed.
  • Digital Divide Concerns: The increasing reliance on AI tools highlights a new digital divide, with concerns about accessibility and a potential widening gap between those who are AI-savvy and those who are not.
  • Practical Applications: Individuals in various professions, including graphic design, education, and law, have found AI to be a valuable tool, automating routine tasks and providing new opportunities for efficiency and creativity.
  • Privacy and Reliability Worries: Despite the advantages, there is growing apprehension about AI’s impact on privacy and the authenticity of AI-generated content.
  • Future of Work: While some fear AI might replace jobs, others see it as a complementary tool that enhances their work, suggesting a more nuanced future interaction between AI and employment.
