A study by researchers at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the Italian Fondazione Bruno Kessler reveals that personalized AI models, like GPT-4, can be significantly more persuasive in debates than humans. The study tested various debate scenarios, such as Human vs. AI and Human vs. Personalized AI, showing that personalized AI increased participant agreement with its arguments by 81.7%, highlighting the power and effectiveness of AI in utilizing personal information.


  • Enhanced Persuasiveness with Personalization: Personalized AI, particularly models like GPT-4, demonstrated a superior ability to persuade compared to human counterparts, especially when armed with personal data, leading to a significant 81.7% increase in agreement rates among participants.
  • Potential Risks and Ethical Considerations: The study’s findings underscore the potential risks associated with AI-based persuasive strategies, particularly concerning the privacy and misuse of personal data. It highlights the urgent need for stringent regulations and ethical guidelines in deploying such technologies.
  • Recommended Countermeasures: In response to these findings, researchers advocate for the development and implementation of countermeasures to mitigate the potential misuse of AI in persuasion. Suggested strategies include the deployment of AI systems capable of providing fact-based rebuttals to ensure balanced and fair debates.

The Decoder